Mood, oil painting by Khurshudyan Nune

Mood, oil painting by Khurshudyan Nune

14,400.00 $

1 in stock

  • Painting: canvas / oil painting.
  • Framed.

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    SKU: MoodNuneKhyan-1 Category: Tags: ,


    Mood, oil painting by Khurshudyan Nune

    Oil on canvas painting.

    This image portrays a situation in which a person, who has gone through various life experiences, and has ended up in a desperate position, losing everything. The people around him attempt to show compassion by trying to help, expressing their condolences, being puzzled. They try talk to him or just stay quiet. However all of these attempts are only worsening that person’s mental state.


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    Additional information

    Weight 4 kg
    Dimensions 2.2 × 110 × 80 cm
    Materials used


    Year of Creation

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