Madonna the Clown, acrylic painting by Hayk Hovhannisyan

Madonna the Clown, acrylic painting by Hayk Hovhannisyan

1,800.00 $

1 in stock

  • Painting: canvas / acrylic paint.
  • Unframed.

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    1 in stock

    SKU: MadonnaClownHaykH-1 Category: Tags: , , ,


    Madonna the Clown, acrylic painting by Hayk Hovhannisyan

    Acrylic on canvas painting.

    In my pictures, The Today’s Madonnas series portrays women in contemporary society, capturing their extreme expressions and encompassing both positive and negative aspects.


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    – Vendor have right to check the quality of the returned product. In case of damage or change the amount is not refundable.
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    Additional information

    Weight 0.5 kg
    Dimensions 2 × 80 × 100 cm
    Materials used


    Year of Creation

    Shipping from

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