DaVinci Sunflowers, oil painting by Hasmik Khalafyan

DaVinci Sunflowers, oil painting by Hasmik Khalafyan

600.00 $

1 in stock

  • Painting: canvas / oil paint.
  • Unframed.

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    1 in stock

    SKU: DaVinciSunflowersHK-1 Category: Tags: , , ,


    DaVinci Sunflowers, oil painting by Hasmik Khalafyan

    Oil on canvas painting.

    Da Vinci’s sunflowers
    Sunflowers usually symbolize longevity, and they are believed to have magical powers.
    In Christianity, the sunflower is a symbol of a devout believer who dedicates his/her life to God.


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    – Vendor have right to check the quality of the returned product. In case of damage or change the amount is not refundable.
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    Additional information

    Weight 1 kg
    Dimensions 2 × 50 × 50 cm
    Materials used


    Year of Creation

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