After the Rain, oil painting by Knkush Yesoyan

After the Rain, oil painting by Knkush Yesoyan

1,800.00 $

1 in stock

  • Painting: canvas / oil paint.
  • Framed, ready to hang.

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    1 in stock

    SKU: AfterRainKnkushY1024 Category: Tags: , ,


    After the Rain, oil painting by Knkush Yesoyan

    Oil on canvas painting.

    The painting depicts an urban scene on a vertical street, where the tall walls of modern buildings are visible. The primary color palette consists mainly of blue, green, and yellow tones, creating bold color transitions. Groups of people walking along the street are depicted, some seen from behind as indistinct figures that seem to merge with the overall background.

    The horizontal and vertical lines give the painting a dynamic and structured appearance, representing the city’s active and bustling life. The wet or glistening street after the rain reflects the lights and colors of the buildings.


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    Additional information

    Weight 3.5 kg
    Dimensions 4 × 85 × 115 cm
    Materials used


    Year of Creation

    Shipping from

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